pengikut2 DREAM TEAM arini mst excited td tngu Ep kali nih coz of battle between aces.....
ak pn msg la Sora gtaw suh tgk tv, tp die kendian msg ak kte die xde tv....
haha, ak terlupe...makanye ak pn jd la reporter lg skali ....
Ep kali nih start ngan VCR sume org yg pnh join DREAM team...
and plg ak ske mstla part Hyukie ^.^ mse die memule join DREAM TEAM (he did bring laughter to us~)

p/s: sora, VCR tuk part Minho ngan Hyukie if ko nk, ak akn simpan
'From his first appearance on the show, he rose as Minho' rival'
'the swiftest runner of the dream team'
dats my namja~
mse intro, bia pics nih je la jd tukang cte~

poor hyukie at the end, but he's truly an entertainer~
nway, Brian was so damn funny....what've got into him, dunno, but like him~
silly sexy dance...look at his mouth
okay, let's start (haha, bwu nk stat)
...1st game 'Catch-up Race'...
run around the rectangular track and tag the opponent
Hyukie vs usual, hyukie jatuh~
Brian got mad and 'said his famous English word-man'
Brian after lost to Minho, did some push-up
and for final, it was a battle btwn Minho (winner) and Sangchu

next Game ' Half Pipe Game
run up and press the button 1o times
kt cni time MC nk tunjuk cane nk maen, dorg bls dendam ngan kaco die...
die kn slalu tetibe je da tgh ready, then ckp bnde lari...xke mengaco tuh, keh3
Hyukie the 1st to go and he set pretty good time to bet (26.65s)...
but Junho (26.23s) and Minho managed to bet him, so he was in 3rd place...
and i was so happy to see Danny cheered for Hyukie (even after Hyukie wrote his name)
run up and press the button 1o times
kt cni time MC nk tunjuk cane nk maen, dorg bls dendam ngan kaco die...
die kn slalu tetibe je da tgh ready, then ckp bnde lari...xke mengaco tuh, keh3
Hyukie the 1st to go and he set pretty good time to bet (26.65s)...
but Junho (26.23s) and Minho managed to bet him, so he was in 3rd place...
and i was so happy to see Danny cheered for Hyukie (even after Hyukie wrote his name)
Brian jatuh like 3 times (lol)
Danny although he was tired, he didn't give up (really act as a great captain)last game for today 'Sandbag Jump'
dorg cube nk break d old record, 4.5m
Seokwon, he jumped so well but he was too fast and cudn't hold on the bag (such a waste~)
and time MC ngah tebiu Seokwon, Brian nyampuk jap
Hyukie did manage to hold on to the bag but his feet touched the styrofoam
and before that MC asked Hyukie bout SuKiRa at 4m - Brian, Seokwon and Hyukie (out)
at 4.4m - Minho at 4.5m - Junho
at 5m - Danny and Sangin
Sangchu break the record with 5.3m
finally, abih pn for 1st tired~
winner will get travel voucher and wrist watch (so stay tune next week to know who's the lucky ACE)
nina tq tq tq!;D
ReplyDeleteak nak VCR 2. smpnkn oh.