SAENG-il Chukah Ham-nidah,
SAENG-il Chukah Ham-nidah,
SArang Haneun KyuhYun, SAENG-il Chukah Ham-nidah...
SAENG-il Chukah Ham-nidah,
SArang Haneun KyuhYun, SAENG-il Chukah Ham-nidah...

pttnye cte sal dri sndr 1st kn, but langkah bendul sket ye since t0day is the day f0r 0ne of my angel, the y0ungest of my fav k0rean band, Kyuhyun of SJ...
reason to love him: his voice gonna make u melt...n he's genuine!!
so everyone, lets sing a birthday song for him in any language u n0e...hwaiting Kyuhyun (luv ya~)
lastly....SARANGHAEYO!!! 1st L0VE for korean guys!! not a big fans of korean b4(dats y)...there will be no post bout him (just pics) ,not gonna tell u bout him coz he's mine!! lol..^_^
fyi,my post from now will end wif a pic of angel leeteuk!

lah, lupe plak nk wish kyuhyun.
wahwah, byk koleksi gmba teukie ko.